Ersag Liquid Propolis 30ml


Ersag Liquid Propolis is produced as a food supplement. It does not contain fillers and additives. The contents of the product are included in the product components table.

# Component Name
1 Liquid Propolis Extract %76
2 This %24 

Recommended Usage: It is used by dripping 5 drops (0.2 ml) into half a glass (100 ml) of water twice a day. Shake before use. It is consumed as a dietary supplement.

Stok kodu: DE-2013 Kategoriler:
Ersag Sıvı Propolis 30ml Ersag Propolis Flussig 30ml Ersag Liquid Propolis 30ml
Ersag Propolis Flussig 30ml

Ersag Liquid Propolis 30ml

Product Code: 2013

Product Score: 1,971


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Ersag Liquid Propolis is produced as a food supplement. It does not contain fillers and additives. The contents of the product are included in the product components table.

# Component Name
1 Liquid Propolis Extract %76
2 This %24 

Recommended Usage: It is used by dripping 5 drops (0.2 ml) into half a glass (100 ml) of water twice a day. Shake before use. It is consumed as a dietary supplement.

It has been produced in accordance with the Turkish Food Codex with the Business Registration No: TR-20-K-014963.

Ersag Liquid Propolis Approval Number: 000285-29.12.2015

Ersag Liquid Propolis is produced in Ersag Facilities as food supplement.

To the Attention of Users; According to the Turkish Food Codex Labeling Regulation of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock and related published legislation, it is forbidden to use phrases such as indications, diseases and benefits in the promotion of products produced as food supplements.

Warning Information: It is consumed as a food supplement. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Supplementary foods do not replace the normal diet. Keep out of reach of children. IT IS NOT MEDICINE. It is not used for the prevention and treatment of diseases. Consult your doctor in case of pregnancy, breastfeeding, illness or drug use. Do not buy packages with broken safety bands. The lot number and Recommended Expiry Date (TETT) are on the packaging.

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