Ersag Cream For Mature Skin 100ml
52,25 €
Ersag Cream For Mature Skin 100ml for mature skin is specially formulated for usage by people over 40 years.
Usage: Apply it every evening regularly through massage movements upwards on décolleté, neck and face.
Kategorien: Lotions, Skin Care Products
Ersag Gesichtscreme Für Reife Haut 100ml
Ersag Cream For Mature Skin 100ml
Product Code: 231
Product Score: 2,702
Member Price
Catalog Price
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Ersag Cream For Mature Skin 100ml
Ersağ Olgun Ciltler için Krem , 40 yaş üstü kişilerin kullanımı için özel formüle edilmiş bir üründür.
Kullanımı: Yüz, boyun ve dekolte bölgesine yukarı doğru masaj hareketleri ile her akşam düzenli olarak uygulayın.
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Only for Members
1x Ersag Cream For Mature Skin 100ml
With this purchase, which is exclusive to members only,
When you buy 1 Mature Skin Cream,
you will get 1 free gift.
When you buy 1 Mature Skin Cream,
you will get 1 free gift.
Members Only
1 purchases
Price valid for Germany Membership ONLY. +6€ shipping fee may be added for shipping to other countries.
Only for Members
1xDay Care Lotion 100ml
1xNight Care Lotion 100ml
1xFace Cream With Black Cumin Oil 100ml
1xSaint John’S Wort 100ml
1xCream For Mature Skin 100ml
With this purchase, which is exclusive to members only,
When you buy 5 skin care products,
the number of gifts will also increase
When you buy 5 skin care products,
the number of gifts will also increase
Members Only
5 purchases
Free shipping is provided to all our members in Europe.
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Zusätzliche Informationen
Brand |
Lotion and Creams |
Size |
100ml |
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Shipping & Delivery
Experience streamlined and affordable shipping with our tailored cargo shipment options across Europe and beyond. Here’s a concise guide to our shipping rates and policies:
European Shipping Rates:
- Germany: €8
- Austria: €10.50
- France, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, UK, Finland, Italy, Poland, Croatia, Slovenia: €11 each
- Greece, Spain, Bulgaria, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Portugal, Hungary, Ireland: €14 each
- Czech Republic, Luxembourg: €9 each
International Shipping Rates:
- America & Canada: 20kg for €40, with an additional €40 for every subsequent 20kg increment.
- Switzerland: 20kg for €15, plus an additional €15 for every subsequent 20kg increment. Note: Customs fees charged to buyers are determined by customs and not by the company.
- Norway: 20kg for €25, plus customs costs paid by the member. Similar to Switzerland, customs fees are determined by customs.
Special Shipping Notes:
- Free shipping does not apply to cargo shipments of €75 and above to America and Switzerland.
- For UK orders, the maximum order value must be 135 pounds, highlighting the importance of your information.
- Please be aware that customs fees in Switzerland and Norway are outside of our control and are directly charged by customs to the buyer.
Our shipping rates are designed to offer you a cost-effective and hassle-free delivery experience, ensuring your products arrive safely and on time. Whether you’re shipping domestically within Europe or internationally to America, Canada, or Switzerland, we’ve got you covered.
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Bronze Leader: Mevlüde Numanoglu
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